Our new grain worked fairly well in seeding the sunflowers. The amaranth are super tiny seeds and required some dialing in so they didn't all drop out at once. However, as you can see they are growing wonderfully. The zinnia seed was sporadic and we are only finding the plants as we weed. Hopefully there are more of them than we have found. We did transplant out zinnia's, so it won't be a total wash. We've also transplanted out Cosmos', herbs, Celosia, Calendula, Nasturtiums, and Morning Glories. This year we are battling the heat, but thankfully we are getting bursts of rain showers. Already we have learned things we plan to do differently for next year, but so far we agree direct seeding as many of the flowers as possible is the most efficient. And then adding in transplants for blocks of colorful focal points, and lanes of whimsy.
Maze and Farm Stand
Stand Hours
Closed for Season
Flower Maze Hours
Closed for Season
Spooky Maze Hours
Canceled for 2024
1120 Pekin Brook Rd, East Calais, VT (Maze)
8 George Rd, East Calais, VT
(Farm Complex & Mailing address)
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